Books, the Best Tools to Build Your Brand

Jul 23, 2020

Writing a book is one of the most effective ways to build your personal brand and become known as the go-to expert in your field. When you tell your audience, "I've written a book or I've been featured in a book in my area of expertise", you instantly become recognized by them as one of the authorities in your field. You instantly get a lot of credibility, and not only that, you are now different from your competitors because you're now a published author, especially if you're a best-selling author who now rises heads and shoulders above the rest. And as somebody who has been an author for 20-something years, I can attest to the fact that nothing, nothing beats books in helping you build your brand, propel your business forward and become more successful as a thought leader.

However, when I tell people that writing books is one of the best investments they can make in their brand or in their business, one of the biggest concerns that they have is: "Shahab, I get that books are awesome, but I'm not that experienced yet. I'm not that accomplished yet. I'm not that successful yet! How am I qualified to be featured in a book, or to write a book?"

Every one of us has some experience, knowledge, or life story that is valuable to some people we've learned some lessons, we have acquired some knowledge that can help other people and you can put that in a book. It could be a book in your area of expertise. For example, this book, we put it together for one of our clients. She is a grief recovery specialist. It’s a book in her area of expertise. We put together the book, we published it online, and now it's available internationally online on Amazon, and she has the physical copies as well; so this positions her as the go-to expert in her field, and she can use it in her business. It creates more visibility, credibility, and profitability for her.

So you don't have to be the best in your field. You just have to share some of your knowledge in a specific area, or the things that you've learnt along the way. If you can package it, if you can put it together in a book by yourself or with the help of somebody like me, then you can have a book; and this creates a better personal brand for you.

However, it doesn't necessarily have to be a book in your area of expertise. It could be your story. For example, we put together this book for a few of our clients. It’s a multi-authored book in the area of real state, and 5 real estate professionals have shared their stories of building a business as a realtor or a real estate broker, so this book positions them, as the experts in their field, as successful realtors in their field, and this gives them the edge, so it doesn't necessarily have to be information and knowledge in your area of expertise. It could be just your story, your story of overcoming challenges, your story of building your business, or any other relevant story.

And by the way, more than 90% of your audience and clients won't ever read the book! But just the fact that you've written a book, or you've been featured in a book, gives you the edge as it does for our clients who have been featured in our books.

 So, again, writing a book is one of the best investments in your brand.  It helps you differentiate yourself from your competitors, and it doesn't necessarily have to be in your area of expertise. It could be just your story. 


P.S. I can help you write, publish and market your book. Learn more here.


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